Wednesday, October 15, 2008

RSS - Ritually Satanic ... I'll think of something...

Well.... at last I have returned.... for the moment.... The lovely people at work have come up with this GLORIOUS idea of allowing us half an hour in the morning to update our blogs.... Being the kind, loving, caring person that I am, I offered to do the Item Paging List for the others.... Clean the shelves even but alas *sigh* I have been cornered. RSS feeds.... 20 minutes to master them.... I have looked at the tutorial and I must admit, my eyes glazed over - I'm not a morning person at the best of times :0( and considering I had ADD this is hard. I even the new 'Kelly' sitting beside me and INSTEAD of helping a fellow Web 2.0er, she is LAUGHING at my plight. Gravy is giving me that me THAT look so I thought that I better utilise what time I have and do my humble rant. Until next time *waves*


tosca said...

I was laughing WITH you :D

Ok, no, I was laughing at you and partially with you :-)

Princess Smutty said...

You cruel, CRUEL lady.... *glares from afar*. 'Rewa hard :0)