Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 4: Having Fun with Photos and Images

Greetings to one and all,

This week I had a little play around with Flickr. I must admit, I have dabbled in it before due to the 'All Eyes on Manukau' Photo Competition for Youth.

Well, I had a look around and was in complete AWE of some of the photos. Then I decided to log into Flickr under the generic log in to see what Manukau Libraries had to offer in the way of awesomeness. I then decided to top this by adding a photo of my dog-who-still-thinks-he's-a-puppy-and-won't-take-no-for-an-answer, Bentley.

However, after successfully managing to upload the photo, I seemed to have trouble posting the photo to my blog via Flickr. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions... but then again, I am blonde. Nonetheless, click on this link to see a photo of my beautiful boy *proud mother smile*.

Until next time *waves*

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week Three: Play Week

Well, this week was play week and what fun I had! There are a WHOLE heap of image generators online! One I frequented was It was here that I found the mock magazine covers... and put a photo of my unsuspecting partner on it (no he hasn't been on Police 10-7 YET) *hides*. To get the 'For Dummies' Book cover, I went to a DELIGHTFUL website: - don't ask me why I enemas were my focal point for this one, I blame it on the cold weather....

Until next time *waves from afar*

P.S. Don't forget to vote in my poll - YES, your vote does count *winks*

Friday, April 10, 2009

I've THOUGHT of it: RSS - it's, like, Ritually Satanic, Stupid...

Ah yes, stupidity - a plight most humans, like myself, will ALWAYS have. So imagine my surprise when I went to sign into my blog to do the dreaded RSS feeds only to find... that I have already done it... *bashful smile* - my brilliance astounds me!

I see that the next task is 'play week' and we all like a good 'play' *winks*. But for now, a poll... Until next time *waves*